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CoGen Feedstock

During the rendering process we produce Scrapings and Sludge materials. This material has been dewatered and has a high caloric value. In order to keep our profile as green as possible, this high BTU material is made available to any CoGen facility free of charge.

We do not add any chemicals to our processing nor employ presses. This insures a safe and viable byproduct that still has high burn value for power generation.

Independent Lab Analysis on BTU for Glycerol

Scrapings: These are solid materials that are scraped off our initial screenings. This material has not been pressed or further processed. The smallest object is 1/4" and the largest is 3". This material is pumpable with a 3" line or better. We recommend use in pit burning or gasification.

Independent Lab Analysis on BTU for Scrapings

Sludge : Our high quality sludge has been dewatered and filtered to 600 micron. This material has not been pressed but it has been cooked to 200 degrees. The material is pumpable and suitable for a steady flow process.

Independent Lab Analysis on BTU for Sludge

If you are interested in this material, please contact Sumit Majumdar at sumit@buffalobiodiesel.com for more details.